Today was a good day! Only two classes! I had Scientific Writing and Behavioral Ecology. In Behavioral Ecology, Lauren and I had to present our papers to the class. I am usually very nervous when it comes to presenting stuff to the class but it was not that bad! Well, we are only 6 students in the class!
Today, at lunch we had the alternative spring break talk. An alternative spring break is when you go somewhere on your spring break and you help a community in need.
Some Spring Breaks that have been held here at Ripon college have been the one to Panama, New Orleans, New York City, Kentucky and a few others. About three trips are usually taken at spring break.
My freshman year I did an alternative spring break! I went to New York City! I had been to New York City before but this time it was different because I was helping out with the AIDS walk. I worked at a soup kitchen which provides a hot meal to members of the community who have AIDS or are HIV + .
My second year I went to New Orleans!! Mardi Gras!...LOL... no that did not happen we were helping with the hurricane relief . My group were the "warehouse moms" LoL.. We did not exactly go out and fix houses but instead we worked in the warehouse which was used as a church, laundry, food bank and a place to get hot meals. But also this warehouse was our home..we lived in the warehouse with 150 other volunteers . It was a great experience to see people and to meet them but more of all having that feeling of goodness because you made a may not be a HUGE one but you helped contribute to a big cause.
My third year in college I decided that I did not want to do anything for spring break and it was a spring break that I wished I had done something. I had fun but there was just that thought that I could've gone out of the country to help or I could of gone to another state. But I did nothing.
This is my fourth year and I am looking forward to going to a spring break alternative because it will be my last year as a college student doing these spring break alternatives... =( I am sad about that but I had fun!
Well, I should save this Blogg because I already had one made but I am the smartest! And I forgot to save it and I switch screens and well.. all my information and everything I had typed went bye bye.
well bye!