Wednesday, November 19, 2008



Guess what! You know how I am from Texas and I am in Wisconsin right?!? Well, my mom and little sister are going to come up from Texas with my aunt and uncle to visit us for Thanksgiving!

I am really excited because my mom has never been to Wisconsin! But most of all my little sister is also looking in to coming to RIPON COLLEGE ..the best college in the Midwest! HOOOORAH!

I having them stay in my dorm room so they can get the college life style going! Haha...well, I wonder how my mom is going to like the cold weather considering that Texas is pretty warm compared to here!

Well, I am exciting for Wednesday because that is when they are suppose to get here!!!


AHHHhhhh I have to clean my room!

talk to you guys later!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A cold day!

Today, I woke up really early because I have been coughing and sneezing all day. Well, I think I might be catching a cold. I hope I do not but the odds are that I am because a couple of students are getting sick already. My room mate seems to be getting sick and when you live with sick people you tend to get the sickness as well.

Hey! at least we will all be sick together! have some company and what not! But it is not fun getting sick because your mom is not here to take care of you and baby you.

However, My mom and little sister might be coming up to Wisconsin to visit me during Thanksgiving! I am so excited if they come because I have not seen them since August! And I know I do not really get home sick but it has been a LONG time since I have spent Thanksgiving with them. I think since I was 12 years old I have not spend a good thanksgiving at home. I have always been traveling with Church or school during those days because you have no school and the best time to travel during school and Church because you do not have to miss school days.

But, I went to Madison on Sunday! That was really really exciting I was driving a school van with 6 other classmates. We went to the libraries that were in Madison to do some research for our scientific writing class. We left around 11:30 am and did not come back till 7:45 pm. Yeah long time to study? LoL.. NO...we were on the road for 3 hours back and forth. which left us with a few hours to do research and then we went out for dinner.

This weekend has been extremely busy for me!

I will talk to you tomorrow!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So, I voted for the first time! Last election I was not 18 during the elections because the elections were in November and my birthday is in December!

BUT! I voted this time for the president! It was very exciting! I also saw the elections on T.v. ..I have to say the even though McCain was defeated he went down on a nice note. I did not see Obama's speech but I will you tube it later.

Last night, there was so much screaming and chanting going on through out the whole campus when the president was announced. There were people mad and some where running around wild. LoL..

Well, I heard that there was a higher turn out of young people voting this year then there have been in recent years. Well, that is held true for our town of Ripon, Wisconsin.

Obama won Wisconsin!
McCain won Texas!

My two states! Texas is my birth place and Wisconsin is my college state!

Well, as a respectful young college student, I must now follow under the rules of Obama, whom has set a historical mark in history. Being the first black president for the United States. It took a long while but we finally made it there. Maybe in 12 to 16 years we will have a Hispanic president!

I hope to be alive when that day comes.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The northern leopard frog! Yuck! But they are cute creatures with they are in a the wild or in a container. I am not one that likes to touch frogs or worms! But for my senior project I am using the northern leopard frog.

Yay me!.. LoL I could have chosen anything else but noooooooooooooo I wanted to do frogs! I am currently feeding the frogs meal worms and will be testing them on the Ideal Free distribution model.

Hopefully, it works! I am still learning how to hold a frog.. not with bare hands I must add! I am using latex gloves because I am scared to touch them.

Today one jumped at me and OH MY GOSH... I thought my life had ended! LoL.. SCARIER then a horror a movie!

Well...till next time!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fallbreak is over

Hey guys!

It has been a while! I am sorry. But we were away for fall break, which is the best week ever because it is a week without classes!

Most of the college students go away to their homes because they live near by. However, there was some college students that stayed on campus and this is without cost. Those that stayed had a whole week where there was no classes and a whole building almost all to themselves.

I stayed on campus because I am from Texas and it is A LOT of money to go home for a week. But! my week was great!!!! I had soo much fun because other friends and family stayed as well because they are from Texas!

Texas is a really great state! Haha... But I have to say Wisconsin doesn't stay far behind! Who would not love living in Wisconsin...even more because it Snows here!!!

We got a few snow flakes? I am not sure if it was snow flakes ... I have been here almost 4 years and I still love the snow!.. But these things that were falling from the sky were like small little cotton balls... not hail but like snow flakes that got made in to snow balls.

It was fun.. but now the day is clear and a bit cold. The signs of winter!!!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This Week!

Hey guys!

Sooo! I just scared myself half to death! I am working on frog and meal worms for my senior sem. Well, I felt something crawling on my head and then I feel a bug on my finger...OH MY GOSH.. I screamed!

I was like AHHHHHHHHHHH I have a flour bug or a meal worm on my head!! But when I shook my head was a lady bug!.. LoL.. WELL.. I still got scared!


Wednesday, October 1, 2008


How are you guys doing!?

Well today is a great day to be a Ripon Red Hawk! Our campus will be going green soon!

So that means that there are two streets that intersect right in the middle of campus and the school was granted the priviledge of being able to tear down the streets to make it grassy for the students to walk more freely without having to wait on the cars to pass by. I have noticed that it is safer to walk without having to look both ways. And sometimes at there would be these semi trucks that would be speeding down the street and they think there is an opening to one of the streets but it is actually a dead end and BLAM they hit the brakes! Which is scary for me seeing a huge monster truck going fast and then stopping.

I am glad that we will be having grass there and sidewalks instead of the streets makes it more homey!

So, here is a joke!

What did the homie say to the house that fell on him?

answer: Get off of me, homes!

LoL... I thought it was funny!

Have a great day! Because it is always a GREAT day to be a RED HAWK!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Keep the boogies away!

I hope you had your daily laugh today! Well a lot of the students here at Ripon College are getting sick because of the weather. Also, you must consider that about 98 % of the students live on campus sooo germ spread more quickly having to share restrooms and living quaters.
But is okay because you get sick together so you have a sick buddy to sit with and eat some chicken soup or just to watch tv. And you can not be scare to get them sick because "HEY THEY'RE ALREADY SICK!" lol.. I know that sounds like a horrible thought but it is true!
I am lucky that I am not sick yet.. but my two cousins were sick the other day and several of my class mates have running noses and what nots.
So eat your chicken noodle soup for the day to keep the boogies away!
Till then!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Alternative Spring Breaks!

Today was a good day! Only two classes! I had Scientific Writing and Behavioral Ecology. In Behavioral Ecology, Lauren and I had to present our papers to the class. I am usually very nervous when it comes to presenting stuff to the class but it was not that bad! Well, we are only 6 students in the class!
Today, at lunch we had the alternative spring break talk. An alternative spring break is when you go somewhere on your spring break and you help a community in need.
Some Spring Breaks that have been held here at Ripon college have been the one to Panama, New Orleans, New York City, Kentucky and a few others. About three trips are usually taken at spring break.
My freshman year I did an alternative spring break! I went to New York City! I had been to New York City before but this time it was different because I was helping out with the AIDS walk. I worked at a soup kitchen which provides a hot meal to members of the community who have AIDS or are HIV + .
My second year I went to New Orleans!! Mardi Gras!...LOL... no that did not happen we were helping with the hurricane relief . My group were the "warehouse moms" LoL.. We did not exactly go out and fix houses but instead we worked in the warehouse which was used as a church, laundry, food bank and a place to get hot meals. But also this warehouse was our home..we lived in the warehouse with 150 other volunteers . It was a great experience to see people and to meet them but more of all having that feeling of goodness because you made a may not be a HUGE one but you helped contribute to a big cause.
My third year in college I decided that I did not want to do anything for spring break and it was a spring break that I wished I had done something. I had fun but there was just that thought that I could've gone out of the country to help or I could of gone to another state. But I did nothing.
This is my fourth year and I am looking forward to going to a spring break alternative because it will be my last year as a college student doing these spring break alternatives... =( I am sad about that but I had fun!
Well, I should save this Blogg because I already had one made but I am the smartest! And I forgot to save it and I switch screens and well.. all my information and everything I had typed went bye bye.
well bye!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hey Guys!

Look what I found! A picture of my cousins when we were tiny people! In the picture you have Hector Jr. (wearing that blue checker looking shirt), Eloy Gardea, who is wearing that white button up shirt and then you have Roger Gardea, who seems amazed or is about to cry about something!

But hey! we can not forget the most important person in that photo which has to be Erika! of course! Me!! It is my party and I seem to be watching something else maybe I was watching Roger? I am not sure but I was the cutest one there! I was the only girl and it was like that for a while!

MMmmm Look at that cake it is my birthday cake you can tell it is home made! And I am only one year old. I wonder who blew out my candle! I bet it was Hector!!!

We went from cute kids to now look at us this was on May. It was my younger cousin's graduation (Juan). He actually is now attending Ripon College!! WOOT WOOT!!
It went from only four of us to like 10 of us and that are only the cousins that were there for the picture we have soo many more! But you can still see Roger, Hector, Eloy and myself. I guess you can say we got a bit "cuter". LoL.
Well, it is exciting having a great family blood related or non blood related!
The family I consider that are not blood related are ALL my friends from Ripon College! Today is actually one my closest friend's 22nd birthday! Oh no! we are getting old!! AHHHHH.. thank goodness I am still 21! I decorated her door for her with streamers and ballons! Yersterday, was my bestfriend's birthday his name is Willie. Yup, and he goes to Ripon College as well. I been knowing Willie for about 17 years. Well, did I do my math right? I am 21 and we met when I was 4...yup 17 years! Wow! that is something else!
Well..That is enough for today! The day is every beautiful outside! There is no snow yet! So! It is time to go outside and enjoy the the sun while we have it!!
Goodnight, Farewell, and Cheers for all of you guys!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Hey Guys!

I forgot to post something on Wednesday and Friday. I know I am not that good at blogging either! Sorry, I am better at talking in AIM or IMs! I love IMs and AIM if you guys ever want to talk to me in IMs just shoot me your IM or AIM screen name and we can talk there.

Well, Let me give you the weather outcast today. Today, is a beautiful day around 20-30 degrees and it is slightly windy with a bit of snow with that wind.LOL. The snow seems to be melting a bit because there are HUGE puddles of cold water.

Now, it is early so I really have not accomplished that much today. But I did go to my art class today which I always go to. My painting is looking pretty good but I still have another day with the model and then I have to work on my own with it. It is very time consuming, this has given me a slight insight of how the painters work and I assume they put in hours and days of hard work. It is a lot of practice too. The more you work on it the better it gets.

I am eating an easy riser which are fattening! I know, I am gaining a ton of weight at this moment because I have a random food schedule.

Well, I am going to go ahead and go to work and send you guys some cute letters!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Hey guys!!

We had a wonderful snow storm on Sunday! Which was fun because the snow was just pouring down like rain! I think it snowed like 8 feet! but it did not snow that much it was only about 7 inches of snow. However, I got pushed in to the snow and I just fell over and trying to get up after in fall in deep snow is a bit hard because then your friends find it funny to push you in more. But trust me it is fun, but it is cold cold cold!!!!.. LoL.. I painted today again in my painting class but our professor was not there so it was a bit weird because we were having class with out the teacher. So we had the music on some Country! WELL... we always music on but it was Country which was fun. I got paint all over my pants and I had to go to my room to change them before I came to work. Oil paint sucks because it doesn't really come out of clothing so that is why I have now made those pants the painting pants!

Well, I have to go back to work. YAY!!.. MAYBE later on we will play in the snow before it melts. Oh and the snow here is actually blue not white. LOL..


Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It is soooooooooooooooo cold! I didn't put on socks today because I was running late for class so I just put on my shoes. Today, I am wearing two sweaters and a jacket and well my pants and shoes, gloves and scarf. It is cold but I am more cold in my toes.. I should of tooken the time to put on socks.. LoL.. WELL.. the snow is very beautiful!.. I love it.. I am glad it is snowing but I am sad that it is too cold.. I get really sleepy when I watch the snow fall and then being cold.. but I am looking forward to going to my room where it is nice and warm!.. MMMMMmm or even some hot chocolate!.. Yay.. I am not cold right now because I am indoors. I went to the pub before I came to work and I got some some hash rounds...mmmmmmmm good!.. Well, I think I should go to work now.. If I think of anything I will come back and write to you but I should start working!.. Have a great day and until fingers meet the keys!!


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The morning begins!

Hey Guys,

I wake up early on Tuesdays because I have a painting class. I am in painting II...yay!..I am not a good painter but I do enjoy it. I guess that is what counts. Well, today in class I was not myself because I was very shy and more embrassed. Why was I embrassed? Well, good question! We have been painting from still life lately and today was a new week and we had to still do more still life..which I do enjoy doing but this morning to our surprise .. Oh by the way, my class only has 4 students including myself. We had a model in our class today which we needed to paint. I was shy because she was sitting on the chair but her upper torso was nude. It is very difficult to paint a still life and even more when you are embrassed. But we turned on the music and It got a little better.. But so far the day is going well it is still early so ..who knows!..